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- As a trading company, Bock Trading specializes in international imports, regional distribution and related services.
- We focus on branded high quality consumer products targeting the professional and private user / consumer.
- We specialize in various niche markets and have access to a wide network of local distribution channels in each country (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Central America and some Caribbean countries)
- We take advantage of Panamas central location on the continent and its huge logistical infrastructure.
- Commercial representation / regional distribution on commission basis.
- Direct purchase in our name, local and regional distribution.
- General business advice for the region (Central and South America, except Argentina and Brazil).
- General financial risk advisory.
- Market analysis, Store checks, assortment selection process.
- Calculation of fees, costs and prices.
- Analysis for local manufacturing.
- Support for complex financial transactions (Venezuela, Colombia).
- Introduction and development of brands.
- Organization of events, exhibitions and business meetings.
- Arranging appointments with potential and specific commercial customers.
- Negotiations on behalf of the client.
- Commercial credit risk evaluation of potential customers.
- Storage and other logistics via outsourcing professional.